Sunday, January 24, 2010

پروفسور سيامك شجاعي اقتصاددان: پول خود را از بانكهاي ورشكست شده خارج و ارزهاي خارجي بخريد از خريد طلا خودداري كنيد

پروفسور سيامك شجاعي اقتصاددان در برنامه دو روز اول يكشنبه 4 بهمن صداي امريكا در تجزيه و تحليل اقتصاد رو به نابودي ج.ا توصيه نمود كه در صورت تمايل به خروج پول از بانكها اقدام به خريد ارزهاي خارجي نموده و از خريد طلا خوداري نماييد .ج.ا با ايجاد قيمت تصنعي بالا ميتواند از فروش طلا كسب درامد نمايد و در نهايت با كاهش تصنعي قيمت طلا سود سرشار ديگري نصيب حكومت ميشود ولي خريد ارزهاي خارجي مطمين و ضمن حفظ سرمايه خود از دست بانكهاي ورشكست شده به جنبش ازادي خوهي كمك ميكنيد

Siamack Shojai, Dean, School of Business
Dr. Siamack Shojai, Dean of the School of Business since July 2007, holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Fordham University. Prior to his arrival at CCSU, he was Dean of the School of Business at Georgian Court University in New Jersey, where he doubled the M.B.A. enrollment and with a higher average GPA.

Dr. Shojai has also served as Dean of the School of Business and Economics at Plattsburgh State University of New York, which under his leadership received accreditation to the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). AACSB is one of the world's most prestigious business school program accreditation institutions, and has granted specialized business school accreditation to more than 500 degree-granting institutions in 30 countries.

Dr. Shojai has written several books and a large number of scholarly journal articles, with a specialization in the field of global economics. He is widely known for his presentations at scholarly seminars and forums, and has been interviewed in various national news media.
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