Thursday, July 23, 2009

پاسخ ايميل مجسمه ساز امريكايي ـ تنها عكس تاييد شده در موقع شروع بكارم همان عكس محجبه ندا بود

اين عكس ندا را ايشان فرستادند و عكس مورد علاقه ايشان و تاكيد دارند مجسمه اي از ندا با اين لبخند زيبا بسازند
از ایميل لطف آميز شما در خصوص مجسمه نيم تنه ندا سپاسگزارم. من کاملا با شما در مورد اينکه اگر مجسمه ندا بدون حجاب اش بود بهتر ميشد موافقم. ولی من ساختن مجسمه او را زمانی شروع کردم که تنها عکس کاملا تائيد شده او عکسی بود که او حجاب داشت وگرنه من ترجيح ميدادم مجسمه او را آزاد و طبيعی بسازم. اميدوارم يک روز امکانی بوجود آيد که بتوان يک مجسمه تاريخی از ندا را برای يک ايران آزاد ساخت. بسيار علاقمندم مجسمه او را به مثابه يک فرشته، "فرشته ايران، فرشته آزادی" بسازم و مسلما مجسمه او را بدون حجابی که موهای زيبايش را بپوشاند بسازم. افکارم و دعاهای من با شما و مردم ايران در مبارزه تان برای رسيدن به دموکراسی و آزادی در ايران است. عشق و نور به شما دوست من. پولا سلتر

fromSlater <>

Dear Koresh,
Thank you for your kind email about the Neda portrait bust. It would have been better to sculpt Neda without her wearing the hijab. However I started sculpting the portrait when the only picture of Neda that was absolutely verified to be a photograph of her was the one where she is wearing the scarf. I would have preferred to sculpt her free and natural.
I hope that someday it will be possible to sculpt a monument of Neda for a free Iran. I would love to sculpt her as an angel "The Angel of Iran, The Angel of Freedom" and I would definitely sculpt her without a hijab covering her lovely hair.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the Iranian people in your fight for greater freedom and democracy in Iran.
Love and Light to you my friend,
Paula Slater

P.S. Please see the next two emails below about an update about this matter.

Dear Koresh,

Although I have received more than 60 emails from people of Iran who love the portrait bust of Neda just the way it is. Some have even commented that she looks like a Madonna, a Mother Theresa, or a fighter saint, about a dozen others have really wanted me to resculpt the bust without the scarf--which I'm afraid I cannot do at this point as it has already been molded and is presently being cast in bronze. However, I have been persuaded by these passionate and heartfelt letters to sculpt a second bust.... please see my email below to a gentleman named Josef who had written me a couple of times. I would also like your opinion on the last question that I asked him.

Thank you again for your correspondence.
Love and Light to you,

Dear Josef,
Your persistence has won me over, but I needed to sleep on it first. I so very much want the sculpture of Neda to be as she would have wanted it to be. I am just so far behind in my work because of sculpting this first bust of Neda and I must take my prior obligations and contracts with clients seriously. Also, I have already paid for the mold to be made and have a plaster casting already made and the first casting in bronze which is currently being made. (I am not wealthy and bronze is expensive.) So it is a big stretch in time and in the cost for me, but that is so little in comparison to what the Iranian people are going through. My sculpting this bust was a gift from my heart, so I want it to touch everyone else's heart in the most loving way also.
I will sculpt a second bust of Neda with her lovely hair free and natural I want to ask your opinion though about her smiling in the photographs I would use for reference (like the photo attached). Neda had such a beautiful smile, yet the first bust I sculpted she had a more somber expression which I thought was maybe more fitting for all the tragedy going in Iran? I would love to sculpt this second bust with her lovely smile because that so expressed the Light from within coming through her joyful soul. I would greatly appreciate your advice and thoughts about it?
Love and Light, your friend,
Paula Slater