Thursday, August 13, 2009

تجاوز... احساس مسئوليت... افشاگریrape in prison of Islamic Republic

Azar Aal-Kanaan.... She is amongst thousands of prisoners who get tortured, raped and killed in Islamic Rep. Of Iran prisons every year... in last few months, after the dispute presidential election in Iran and people demonstrations in the streets, according to the official figures, there has been more than 3000 arrests across the country. In only one of prisons, Kahrizak, there have been numerous leaked reports that young prisoners have been savagely tortured and raped that in some cases they’ve got killed. Here, in this video, Azar has been brave enough to come up in front of camera and describes how she has been tortured and raped... in the recent incidents, there also have been reports that the victims have been killed and their bodies been burned to not to disclose their brutal torture and one case, there was a young girl, Taraneh Mousavi, who they took her to the prison, without trial, tortured her, raped her then burned her body and abandoned her remains outside Tehran.... this issue, the Rape, is not only subject to female prisoners but sadly we have strong evidences that they do the same even with male and young men in the prisons....hope our voice gets heard hope our voice get heard.. hope for freedom...hope for democracy

تجاوز... احساس مسئوليت... افشاگریاين ويدئو قبلا لينک شده، ولی من احساس کردم وظيفه تک تک ماست که مطالب دهشتناک عنوان شده توسط اين زن زجر ديده، که صدها مشابه اون هر روز در سياهچاله های حکومت اسلامی اتفاق می افتد رو، ما خودمون خبر داريم ولی بايد به گوش همه دنيا هم برسونيم... با زحمت و گذاشتن وقت بسيار مطالب عنوان شده رو ترجمه و بروی ويدئو بصورت زيرنويس قرار دادم... اين حکومت ظلم وستم مانند درخت فاسد و پوسيده ايست که هرکدام از اين کارها و از اين افشاگری ها، مانند ضربه ای برای سقوط اون و بی آبروکردن آنها در سطح دنياست. لطفا برای تکثير و معرفی اين ويدئو به دوستان و آشنايان و مراجع و روزنامه ها و تلويزيونها و ارگانهای بين المللی از هيچ کمکی دريغ نکنيد... هر افشاگری و رساندن صدای اين مظلومان و دردکشيده ها به مجامع بين المللی، علاوه بر اينکه نشانگر روح بلند و قلب مهربان و وجدان بيدار و آزادمنش شماست، ميخی نيز هست بر تابوت سياه و پوسيده اين رژيم سفاک و خونريز و متجاوز... به اميد ايرانی آزاد و رها...