Iranian authorities in Tehran lashed a man on his back earlier this year for having a bible in his car, an Iranian Christian group said in a report on its website on Friday.The man was only identified by the initials A. Sh.On 5 May, the man, driving his vehicle, was involved in a road accident with a car belonging to security guards for a government official in Tehran.A bible and a video of Jesus Christ were found in the man's possession upon inspection of his vehicle by the state security forces (SSF).
محكوميت زوج ايراني مسيحي به شلاق
با خواندن جزييات خبر دليل شلاق خوردن را بهتر متوجه خواهيد شد
Sentence of whipping , and assaulting an Iranian Christian couple
Oct. 11 . 2007- fcnn
A Christian couple were sentenced to be whipped and were announced Mortad by the Justice Court Of Revolution , for attending a home based church and having devotional time.
We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God. ( Acts 14:22)
FCNN_ An Iranian Christian couple ( their names are kept confidential in FCNN ) were arrested along with other believers on Sep. 21.2005 by the Government agents. They had gathered in a house in a town northwest of Tehran ( Gohar dasht ) for their regular prayer and devotional time.
After about two years , on July 2007 their case was submitted to the Court of Revolution, brach 3. According to the report , this Christian couple decided to marry seven years ago but, because of some boundaries in Iranian Churches regarding the rules of Marriage between ex-Muslims and other ethnics in Iran, they were rejected a Christian legal certificated wedding ceremony , so they decided to have their wedding outside the church by the Islamic Law.
The woman was born a Christian in an Assyrian-Iranian family and the man was converted to Christianity long before they married. According to the Court of Revolution , wedding of non-muslims by the Islamic Law is equivalent to conversion to Islam. So , the confession of faith in Christ before the Judge by the wife was an indication of turning to christianity again , therefor she was announced a Mortad ( a person who turns away from Islam, in this case the sentence is death). The same was with the husband.
According to the Court they had to present themselves to the Authorities on a regular basis and sign a paper until the court decides the punishment. The building they had to go to is located on somewhere near the Azadi Square . The only people in that building were civic agents.
The last time the wife was present there to make a signature , one of the agents ( who was called Haj Agha , a clergy man ) sexually abused her . As a result she was so terrified that she decided not to go back there again , not even for a signature!
After few days , on September 2007 , two female and 4 male agents go to this couple’s house and by showing them an official letter from the Court , execute the sentence of whipping right there in their house.
According to the latest news , this couple are under a high mental pressure right now
We would like to kindly request all Iranians and believers in Christ all over the world to pray for peace , health , and protection